If you’ve always thought of becoming a part of the KelbyOne Online Educational Community, this is the best time ever; thanks to our Black Friday/Cyber Monday deal – we’re offering our best price of the year. Just $149 for a full year of our ProPlan, with full access to everything (including over 900+ full-length training courses with thousands and thousands of lessons, plus a subscription to Photoshop User magazine).
PLUS (cool feature coming up), when you purchase a KelbyOne Pro Annual Membership at this special cyber sale price, you will renew at this rate for as long as you remain a KelbyOne Pro Annual member. Your membership price doesn’t go up at the end of a year. Pretty sweet, right?
Here’s the link – it also makes the perfect gift, too (giving the gift of education for an entire year).
Have a fun Black Friday/Cyber Monday shopping day, everybody.
The post Our “Black Friday” Best Deal Of The Year on KelbyOne Training Is here appeared first on Lightroom Killer Tips.