Please don’t hate me because this is so easy, but it really does make a big difference. It’s a trick I’ve been using for years, and I think you’ll dig it.
Come with me to Paris!
This June I’m doing a hands-on travel photography workshop in incredible Paris, France and I want you to come (well, we can only host 12-people total, you can’t all come or it would be awkward). The details are over on my blog today at scottkelby.com – hope you can check it out because it’s going to be (wait for it…wait for it…) epic! I mean, “Le Epic” (that’s made-up French, which is my specialty).
Here’s to an awesome weekend, and I hope to see some you next week out at the WPPI Conference in freezing Las Vegas (yes, it snowed there twice this week). Should be totally chill (see what I did there?).