If it’s been a while, well today’s the day — Friday, May 3rd, 2019 — it’s “Back up your Lightroom catalog day.” That way, you know you’re ready for summer because you started it right by backing up your Lightroom catalog and you’ll be sleeping better tonight night because of it.

While the process of backing up your catalog is easy, first you might want to know why you need to backup your Lightroom catalog and then how to do it, step-by-step. So, first read this:
After reading that, you might ask, “Where should that backup be stored?” So, read this:
OK, that’s the plan — stop what you’re doing; backup that catalog, and roll into Cinco de Mayo
We interrupt this post for a “Proud Dad” moment
Tomorrow my son Jordan graduates with two degrees from the University of Alabama (#rolltide) and Kalebra, his little sister, and I just could not be prouder or more excited for him. If tomorrow afternoon at some point you hear some distant noise that sounds like a dad cheering his head off, well, that would be me. I’m so proud of my boy!!!
Have a great feeling’ backed-up weekend!
P.S. Next week I’ll be in Indianapolis on Tuesday and Minneapolis on Thursday with my new full-day seminar, “The Ultimate Photography Crash Course.” Come on out and spend the day with me — we’re going to have a packed house — don’t miss out! http://kelbyonelive.com
The post When was the last time you backed up your Lightroom catalog? appeared first on Lightroom Killer Tips.